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Mentis Fotka
  Online seminár :
odrazkaMind map as one of the methods
odrazkaof managerial decision making and
odrazkaBalanced Scorecard

Date: 2.4.2025


iFrom: 9:00 - 13:30 h

i Online    

Tematic areas:  

  • Tematic areas: 
  • Possibilities of using mind maps and the mechanism of their use.
  • Tools that support the creation of mind maps - Edraw Mind Map,  FreeMind, Inspiration, iMindMap, tools Office a Excel.
  • Examples and demonstrations of mind maps and independent creation.
  • Case study : probability tree in managerial decision making.
  • The main mission of the Balanced Scorecard is that the company does not follow the past, but through future-oriented strategies to ensure its long-term existence.
  • The basis of this methodology was to provide a view that companies are oriented primarily by their mission, vision and strategy.

Variable symbol: 2042025  

PRICE with VAT: 240,- €  
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